CBAA was pleased to invite author and public speaker Meredith Resce from Omega Writers to speak at our recent AGM. Omega Writers “…exists to educate, support and inspire Australasian Christian writers towards excellence, impacting society with grace and truth. We want our words to change the world.”
Omega Writers offers many services to upcoming Christian writers, including an annual conference, writing resources, and local chapter groups. Omega Writers also hosts the annual CALEB award. CALEB stands for “Christian Authors Lifting Each other’s Books”. The CALEB award considers both published and unpublished Christian books from a wide range of genres.
At the CBAA’s most recent online trade show CBAA was treated to a showing presented by Meredith of the work of several Australian Christian authors. These videos can be viewed from the Omega Writers Youtube channel.
For those interested in attending the Omega Writers annual conference, it will take place online on October 8-9, and will feature:
Collett Smart (Psychologist)
Nicole Partridge – Creative Writing
Genre and Breakout Groups
Two Panels – Pathways to Publication, Pathways to Promotion,
And the CALEB Awards Dinner.
Click here for futher information about the Omega Writers conference.
CBAA extends its thanks to Meredith Resce for her encouraging presentation at the AGM, and is hopeful for what the future can bring for our partnership with Omega Writers and for all our Christian authors! We wish to encourage Omega Writers and all the authors as they share our vision for a Christian voice in the Australian vernacular and context.