Supporting each other and helping each other to grow is how we build community. If you would like to access training or be linked up with an industry mentor, please contact us.

If you are a member and would like assistance accessing suppliers and other industry information, please email us to request access to our members’ only suppliers document.

ABA membership application

If you are a member with CBAA, select the following option as you apply for ABA membership to receive your discounted memebrship:   “Associate bookseller, single shop site or multiple sites, first shop – $400 (any member of Christian Bookselling Association Australia (CBAA), Australian and New Zealand Association of Antiquarian Booksellers (ANZAAB) or a Newsagents Association)”

Please email us to request access to our members’ only suppliers document

A great place to go to access our community, ask questions, and find support is our Facebook page. Come and join the community!